
好在“知之为知之,不知google之。”偶先baidu之...学校名称为Jagiellonian University,始于1364,维基上翻译为雅盖隆大学或称亚捷隆大学,不过奇怪cctv采用的是雅盖沃大学?学校出过天文学巨匠,诺贝尔文学奖得主,教皇约翰·保罗二世曾在此校攻读神学...

查到有好印象的校训被翻译成“多一些智慧,少一些暴力。”不是很喜欢,google到老家,“The motto of the Jagiellonian University is "Plus Ratio Quam Vis" (Let Reason Prevail Over Force). ”取自“let honour conquer pride, let reluctant duty be replaced with love,let reason prevail over blind force as it has always done.”请教了TT,建议翻译“让智慧战胜暴力”,这个我喜欢。

这里看到,学校扩建了校舍,也有了新的校训。The oldest motto of the University Plus ratio quam vis is now being supplemented by a new one: "Future based on rich tradition" which shows that Krakow's Alma Mater owes its prestige both to past and present-day achievements.

On this day..

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