
一人获得过5块国际奥林匹克学科竞赛奖牌的原超常部学生成禹(Robin Cheng)在动态数理选修课上无意间发现任意多边形中点连线的迭代规律[?],这不仅是有趣的数学探究,而“结果更多依赖于过程而非初始条件”的寓意同样激励着我们,让我们相信教育的价值和坚持的力量。
•Why Blog and Blog What
•A Better Butterfly Theorem
•游标卡尺vernier calliper
求师得教育实验室数理探究MathPhysics 数字根雕

8月 20th, 2012 at 16:06
Dear Qiusir,
Thank you for the astonishing sketches. They are very fine work, indeed!
Your comment about the lack of samples files dedicated to physics and
science visualization is well-taken. My hope is that, long term, we
can expand the samples to address these areas. I trust in the
meantime you are familiar with the two samples files:
Samples | Sketches | Investigations | Rainbow.gsp
Samples | Sketches | Fun | Headlights.gsp
Of the existing samples, these are the two that seem most connected
to science visualization (mostly, optics).
I thank you for your generous offer that we include your sketches in
the next edition of the samples. Since that edition may not arrive
for some time, I would like to ask you two questions instead:
- May I have your permission to put these sketches on a website
devoted to outstanding Sketchpad work? I have assembled a
contribution from some of the finest Sketchpad authors of visually
compelling sketches. I would like to showcase these work in a new
"museum" on the Sketchpad Resource Center
( May I have your permission?
- If so, can you give me a bit more information in English about
yourself? I have communicated with you before, but always simply as
qiusir. Is that your name? Are you a teacher? Where in China are you
located? I would like to include a few notes about the author in
describing the work.
>I'm really looking forward to the entry of your company's products into China.
>GSP is being widely used in physics as well as in maths.
Thanks for the good words. My understanding is that GSP Version 3.0
is available already in China, from People's Education Press
(, and that they are working on a translation of GSP
Version 4.0. This has been moving rather slowly, so if you think
they might benefit from hearing from a seasoned GSP 4 user, I urge
you to contact them ( I can also put you in touch
with particular people involved in the translation project if you're
Best wishes,
Nick Jackiw
Sketchpad Designer
Key Curriculum Press / KCP Technologies
8月 20th, 2012 at 16:07
Dear Qiusir--
Thanks for the detailed background---I appreciate hearing it, and
especially your analogy to a "gold finger!" I'm just returned from
San Antonio, Texas, where our annual national conference for teachers
of mathematics was held. I took the opportunity to show some of your
sketches and your student's sketches to teachers there, many of whom
were very impressed! Nice work.
I first heard of the "butterfly theorem" when I visited People's
Education Press for a few talks in May of 2002. They told me that in
all of China, there had emerged a "Sketchpad master of the northeast"
and a "Sketchpad master of the south." I had the privilege of meeting
the "master of the south," who gave me several books he's published
on GSP in China. But unfortunately, the "master of the northeast"
could not attend the conference at that time due to a scheduling
conflict. Is it possible that they were referring to you as the
"master of the northeast?" What fun!
I will let you know when I'm ready to host the "advanced work"
gallery on the keypress website--probably next month sometime---so
that you can review the sketches you've submitted before they become
live. Thank you for your kind permission to include them there.
My colleague Steve Rasmussen or I had hoped to attend the large math
teaching conference happening in Shenzen, China, at the end of the
month, but I believe with the new respiratory disease associated
especially with airline traffic, we are unlikely to go. Are you
planning on attending? Do you know if there are any Sketchpad
presentations planned?
I will look forward to meeting you one day. Best wishes and success
with your teaching in the meantime!
Nick Jackiw
5月 24th, 2013 at 15:44
[...] eLearning [...]
10月 1st, 2013 at 12:24
6月 11th, 2014 at 22:12
6月 12th, 2014 at 14:37
1月 23rd, 2023 at 18:36