PAP-动态开放环境下的数理综合探究课.PDF (5667)

摘 要:基于电脑和网络所营造的“动态、开放”的环境,在“教育以人为本,知识实践创新” 的宗旨下,本着“为迁移而教,为创造而学”的原则,以选修课的方式,从“数理综合”的视角,通过自主、合作、探究的学习方式,对超常儿童的创新素质进行培养的尝试和体验… …
关键词:超常儿童 数理综合 现代教育技术 创新 动态 开放 探究 实践

The Discovery Lesson of the Comprehensiveness of Maths and Physics
under the Dynamic and Opening Environment

Abstract:The thesis aims at explorating and experimenting for training and developing the Innovative quality of the Supernormal children, under the dynamic and opening environment created by computer and internet, with the aim of “human-based education, knowledge, practice and innovation”, in the principle of “teaching for transfer, learning for creation”, in the form of selective courses, in the perspective of “comprehensiveness of Maths and Physics” , through the learning mode of “activeness, cooperation and exploration”.
Key words:Supernormal Children Comprehensiveness of Maths and Physics Modern Educational Technique Innovation Dynamic Opening Discovery Practice

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